Humble Beginnings

Tetra Growth LLC is a chemistry research and development company founded in Michigan in 2019. We aim to create greener chemical methods and processes to reduce and eliminate hazardous waste in the field of chemistry. We also seek to provide high quality laboratory chemicals and reagents to research groups, businesses, and individual researchers. We believe that making contributions toward science to improve the quality of life for all individuals is a moral obligation.

We offer private consulting and chemical solutions tailored to solve any problem. Interested in formulation of your own line of cosmetics? Need valuable safety or technical information regarding an intricate chemical process or product? Interested in securing your place in the future of chemistry by using more environmentally friendly and safer methods? Would you like to collaborate on a project to further scientific research? Contact us and schedule a virtual appointment to further your business goals and to bring your ideas to life.

What We've Achieved

  • The principal chemist of Tetra Growth LLC, Talon Kosak, has synthesized several novel compounds throughout his career.

  • Certified in laboratory safety protocols and proper hazardous waste disposal.

  • Dedication to reducing waste and employing principles of green chemistry.

  • Dedication to offering solutions to daily problems through chemistry.

  • Continuing to improve laboratory research protocols and techniques.

  • Pledge to reduce and eliminate hazardous waste resulting from chemical research.

  • Using natural materials to carry out chemical processes.